Ask Boz is a really funny site that give answers to all sorts of off-the-wall questions. I really enjoyed the answer to "Why don't polar bears eat penguins?" and "What is Charlie Brown's sister named?" Pretty cool site, and it's one hundred percent original!
A great collection of jokes, 13 May 2008
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There are good jokes and there are bad jokes, and this site has plenty of good ones compared to a lot that I have seen.
I definitely recommend a visit, and there are thousands of jokes here.
A pity they had to take down most of the pictures because of copyright issues - something a lot of other sites also need to worry about too, but the jokes are great.
Eleven Years of showcasing others, plus she's so talented, 22 Apr 2008
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Kathryn Alexander
Margie Culbertson has been writing under a pseudonym since the early 80s in about 5 genres, but neither this website (started in 1999!), nor her humor writing group (The Writers With Humor Group) is about her. This is all, obviously, about others. She does show us a few tidbits of her work, yes. And do go out of your way to read them! They are varied and great. But mostly she showcases the work of others. There are more than 130 writers, SO FAR as of 2008 (so if you are reading this in 2009 or later, list has grown)--on this site including Humor Contest Winners and Guest Authors. This contest is still free, and it's almost the only FREE humor writing contest on the web. She single-handedly raises the hopes of newbies and also places ful-timers on her site. Google her site and you will find it comes up big-time under "Humor Writing Contests." She also started her "Writers With Humor" Discussion Group at the same time with onlt 8 members back in 1997. This, from a one-woman show. Hear hear for Margie Culbertson, a woman who did all of as a giveback to the humor writing community after she had MADE IT in the industry.
Americans for Cloning Dead Celebrities is an excellent idea. It is only a matter of time when people will be cloned. Imagine if we could clone some of the most talented people. Wow!
This is satire at its best, 14 Apr 2008
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I suggest a visit to this website. Americans for Cloning Elvis is satire at its best. The previous reviewer, Tess Evans, does not seem to understand that satire is a form of humor. The amount of people signing the web petition is astronomical. This web site has been around for a long time and has had tons of visitors.
There's No Humor Here, 27 Mar 2008
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Tess Evans
It's just a bland page with a request to sign a petition for the cloning of Elvis. If that makes you pee your pants laughing, then go for it. The site asks you to donate $5.00. Oh, there's also an automatic pop-up for those that hate them, and the page automatically plays a midi music file called viva.mid. How this site is so highly rated is obvious. Some poor lost soul(s) (Bob Meyer?) is(are) voting it up every day and wasting everybody's time. How sad.
The worst customer service experience in my life, 21 Jul 2007
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When I was still waiting on an order, I noticed that posted correspondence regarding one customer that they claim harrassed them. I have no idea what the validity of these claims are, but I found the posting to be unprofessional. What's more, after my own experience with them, I would not be surprised if the woman they claimed harrassed them had an experience similar to mine.
I ordered a fake newspaper that needed to look professional. When I got it, the top front page headline had been hyphenated. In my experience, only high school and tiny local newspapers ever do this on the front page. In fact, to make sure it wasn't all in my imagination, I looked up newspaper guidelines at various key newspapers and discovered that hyphenating a headline is a big mistake. I emailed trixiepix and merely stated that the hyphenated headline was not realistic looking. Would there be any way to reprint it without the hyphenation? They responded with a definitive no. They would never reprint something like that. I then emailed back and simply stated that: I've never seen a hyphenated headline before. I had four more orders I needed but I'll have to take those elsewhere.
Here is the entirely unprovoked response that trixiepixgraphics sent me:
"We're sorry you've never seen a hyphenated headline -- we see them all the time. You were blocked from ordering again anyway, as anyone who would complain about such a thing is not a customer we care to interact with. As for going elsewhere, we know EXACTLY what kind of product you'll receive, and we feel that's perfectly poetic. You are EXACTLY the kind of customer we want our competitors to have.
Now, CEASE AND DESIST. We've had enough of you."
Needless to say, I was horrified by the rudeness, expecially since these were the people who had already taken 60 dollars of mine regardless of whether or not the product was of their promised quality. They blocked my IP address, so this was my last interaction with them. Like angry kids, they hurled an insult at me before slamming the door. And they took my money. I did nothing to provoke or merit this sort of behavior. And I can't believe that they would find it acceptable to behave in this way.
When the other woman on their website reported them to the BBB, they sent a letter claiming that she had harrassed them to her local policemen. I have to wonder now if trixiepicsgraphics was accurate in making this claim, or if they are just rude incompetent business owners who like to terrorize their unsatisfied customers.
Great Humor Book Recommendations and Humor Articles, 19 Dec 2006
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A good source for FREE humor articles for e-zines and newsletter. Also, a good source for humor book suggestions and humor gift books. Klein is also an award-winning speaker who shows audiences how to find humor in their changes, challenges and not-so-funny stuff.