The entire content appears to be stolen from some other website. Sure no ads, but who would sponsor dribble like this... Un-funny as well, Grude - redesign and get something original.
Prior to "Buzz Saw" and "The Horror of Tiddlyville" (both found on this site) - Jzero, the founder of Jzero's Cartoonist Corner and his own website "Jzero's Sketchbook" did this... a story of a weird kid with an insatiable appetite for human flesh. This early piece is somewhat crude, not as lavish a production as his Buzz Saw and Tiddlyville stories - but still quite funny. A nod to the old EC Comics and underground comic artists - I found this story gross but very *filling*. (Goes down best with a nice glass of Chateau Lafite Rothschild)
Beautiful Custom Caricatures and Cartoons, 12 Oct 2004
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I got a caricature done by Official Fish and the result is awesome. I received the original in the mail and loved it. I recomend these Canadian artists.
PhotoShop coloring for dummies (like me), 04 Oct 2004
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This photoshop tutorial REALLY helped me. It was easy to read, easy to follow, and most of all, easy to do. I opened up my sketchbook of black n' white drawings and literally colored every drawing I did using this tutorial. Thanks Jzero. It's GREAT - I highly recommend it...
I laughed, I cried, I wet my pants, 04 Oct 2004
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R Crumb
Very funny... plain and simple. The characters are unforgetable. Buzz, the unflappable confused youth... Buzz's dad, the well intentioned but numbingly stupid father, Irwin Fink, the dastardly of the dastardly, and I've seen those lawyers somewhere before. I just hope Jzero keeps 'em coming. Good stuff!!! A must READ!!!
Jzero, a cartoonist's cartoonist, 21 Sep 2004
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Cartoonist's are bound to enjoy Jzero's Sketchbook much more than visitors scouring the net for a quick cartoon gag. I would consider Jzero a cartoonist's cartoonist. There's an intimacy evident in his work that you don't really see too often with cartooning sites. Instead of just displaying funny drawings he invites you in to wonder why they're funny, tells you where his influences come from, and often tells you how he went about drawing them, technically. I think it's pretty funny how he explains that his "tendency to look at things in a very visual way" is "more a curse than a blessing" - and the way in which he can't help but see the world, where "people are not merely people, but breathing caricatures."
Perhaps only slightly out of place are his inclusions of his more commercial works - like his cartooning work for, or his web design for I enjoyed his more intimate sketchbook drawings a lot more, and wanted to see a lot more of them.
But there are enough outside point of reference influences to keep everybody happy. A huge admiration of vintage horror movies - like those of yesteryear monsters from Universal Studios, acknowledgements of classic comic artists like Mad Magazine's Don Martin, and an unblinking view of oddities of the internet like the infamous public suicide of Pennsylvania politician Bud Dwyer.
Great caricature and illustration, 08 Aug 2004
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j tortorella
This is a collective of Canadian aricature artists that do illustration and custom imaging work at reasonable prices. They are very friendly and fast. I used them for an article I published.
A lot of work and care, 03 Aug 2004
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Henry Clay
A lot of work has obviously been put into this site. Stellar graphically, very interesting and polished to the most minute details. Maybe not your brand of humor, but its original, creative, funny and well-done. Great Job.